Digital Story Telling

Reflective Report

For BCM240 subject, our task for assessment 3 is about Digital Story Telling. The purpose of the project is to get audience to think about how media practices and audience experiences are spatial in nature. I work in a group of 2 for this project. After few meeting with my colleague, we decide the topic on Mobile Addiction. We decided to have video shooting for our project. First, we came out with our storyboard. Our storyline is a reflection on what we did for our daily lifestyle. It project how we use mobile phone and social media in our daily activity. Besides, we also want to show how people addicted with using our mobile phone and the message could set as an alert. Next, we discuss about equipment that we need for our video shooting session. Due to our topic is mobile addiction, we decided to use our iPhone for shooting. Furthermore, we also include infographic, data and statistic on mobile phone addiction and demographic of mobile addiction in our project. One of the main reason we choose mobile addiction as our topic is because we realize that people are taking over by their phone. The smart phone was created to make our life but at the same time it takes over the time that we really spend with people around us. In additional, the use of social media has created huge impact in today world. Majority of us own a smart phone and is so easy for us access to social media. We started to neglect people around us because everyone is busy with their own phone and live in our ‘own’ world. We communicate with others through texting or social networking and without having a real conversation with others. Is easy for us to found people are anti-social in a gathering because they are busy with their phone.

For our Digital Story Telling project, we will focus more on mobile addiction and also discuss about social media addiction. The main message that we want to send out is how generation nowadays addicted with their phone. It seems like they can’t live without their phone. They feel lost when their phone is not beside them. We choose to use humour appeal for our video. We wanted to inform people yet entertain them. We believe that humour appeal could attract more viewership because our audience more to younger generation. Research show that younger generation has higher percentage involve in mobile addiction. Younger generation would likely to accept humour appeal compare to wordy information. The way we deliver the message is actually a reflection on how we use mobile phone in our real life. We trying to bring that in-front of the screen so that our audience feel familiar while watching our video and relate to their own life. We want our audience to realize that they are part of the people who involve in the story. We hope that our video set as an alert to remind them about stop phubbing and don’t let mobile phone take over their life.

We used Windows Movie Maker for video editing. Windows Movie Maker might be the easy software for a beginner to done the video editing. We can play around with the tools that are available from the software. Finally, we are success in making our own video and the result is satisfied. Besides, we use Audacity for voice over. Our lecturer – Mr Faizal helps us a lot for the voice over part. He provides us equipment that needed for voice recording, help us record and editing. I would like to thanks my lecturer for lend us a helping hand for our Digital Story Telling project. The copyright and ethical issue is the most troublesome problem that we face for this project. I found out that is difficult for us to look a legal music that we could use for our video. Most of the songs require us to purchase the license to use. Our lecturer provides us a website that we can search for any creative works and legally to use in our video –  Through Creative Commons, we able to find the song that needed for our video and legally use that as our background music. We also get statistic of mobile addiction from different kind of sources and credit the sources.

For this project, we work in pair and I would say that we have a great moment when working together. We work together in every progress and able to finish the project on time. We voice out our opinions and ideas and discuss on how to make the project successful. We will have agreement on both sides before making any decisions to show that we respect each other. Overall it was great, we don’t have argument when doing the project but we had a lot of fun when doing that. I would say that we achieve great teamwork.

In conclusion, Digital Story Telling project help me to gain new kind of experience especially in copyright / ethical issue and software for editing. I realized that everything has it copyright and we can’t simply take that as granted. Everything needs to be clarified and have the permit to use other people work. In additional, I have the chances to learn new skill on video and audio editing. Previously I have never exposed to that software before but now I’m able to make some simple editing. In a nutshell, BCM 240 helps me understand audience. There are different kinds of audience, each of them are unique and have their own speciality. We couldn’t categorize all of them into one category due to there are more different category of audience. Besides, the space also influences people behaviour of using media. For today’s society, I kind of agree that people use media in public space but in privately. We are the one who understand how we use on media and what we do although people might know that we are using that but they don’t know the content. Through BCM 240, I started to observe people behaviour on how they use media and analyse how audience, media and place are interrelated.

Reflective Report

For BCM240 subject, we are requiring to write a blog related to weekly topic. I don’t have any experience on blogging before so I found is quite difficult for me at first. Due to blogging on weekly topic is part of my assessment therefore I need to take it and practice blogging every week. The weekly blogging actually help me to gain better understanding on the weekly topic. Student is required to search scholar reading on the particular topic to support the point and it help student to gain extra knowledge from that.

Due to this is the very first time I started to blogging, my followers are all my classmates. We follow each other blog. Their exist make me feel competitive, it’s motivate me to pay more effort on my own blogging and try to be outstanding compare to with others. Each time we finish each other blog, we will drop a comment on their blogging to exchange our opinion, give feedback on how to improve and compliment when they did a great job. Their presence creates a healthy competition for me to produce better work because I knew that there are people following my work and I hope that my work will impress them.

Their comments help me a lot on my next blog post. Through their comments, I know which part I could improve more and make it more attractive to grab people attention and create hype when reading my blog post. Their comments motivate me to do better on each and every blog post because I knew that my blog post will reach mass public. With the help of those comments, I know how to improve myself on the weak area.

Through the weekly blog post, we have chances to read Australia students blog post. I feel is interesting because we are totally in different culture, we learn something different apart from our culture. Besides, it also provides chances for cultural exchange between two different cultures. Sometimes I feel so embarrassed of my own blog while reading Australia student blog, I will have the feeling that the oversea moon is more rounds and all their work is better than mine. When there is Australia student comment or follow on my blog, I feel so stress. I’m afraid that they will critic on my blog. The positive side is their presence makes me feel much more motivated to do great job and impress them Malaysia student could have good work as well.

The social media also help a lot on spreading the publicity of our blog post. With the helping of ‘#bcm240’, no matter students from Malaysia or Australia could read each other blog due to the hashtag provide a means of grouping such messages, since one can search for the hashtag and get the set of messages that contain it. Audience nowadays are all access to social media platform, social media belong to new and in media to reach the potential audience. The use of social media create 5-10 times higher impact than the traditional media therefore all our work need to have a clear reference for credits. A clear referencing could help us prevent any unnecessary misunderstanding and conflict issue. We need to appreciate people hard work.

In conclusion, this is the very first time I blogging to such a big group of followers of my blog. The first time blogging is very fresh and new to me. I would like to thanks the lecturer for giving me this chance to have my first time blogging. Although is quite stressful for me that I have to blogging on weekly topic before due date. When people give good comment on my blog, I feel so motivate and happy that people appreciate my effort. In a nutshell, is quite interesting to have weekly blogging on weekly topic. The blogging provide another platform for me to share my work to mass audience.

Public media screen

Public media screen can be easily found in current day. Public media screen mostly set up at the crowd public space to grab audience attention. To grab audience attention, the tool that advertiser using to target them must be interesting and attractive. Public media screen consider as a new outdoor media to reach target audience. A lot of advertiser use outdoor to reach a broad target audience and send out their promotional message.


Digital advertising by YES telecommunication


Public media screen is easily found near the lift area. While people waiting for lift, they got free time to watch at the screen and receive advertiser message. Public media screen near the lift area could reach a lot of target audience because everyone needs to use lift to reach. The message will keep on repeating to enhance that people will receive message and set as reminder. Instead of starring on the monitor to see when the lift reach, is better to watch at the public media screen to kill time while waiting for the lift.

Public media screen could found at hospital waiting area as well. They will set up one TV at the waiting area for people to watch while waiting for their turn. They will play movie for people to watch. The interesting part that I found is people watching the movie that has no sound. They will mute the sound so that it won’t disturb the patient to rest. The entire movie that plays is mute and no subtitle provided. But people still enjoy watching the movie and they seem like understand what is going on. People might guess the story line through the body language, wardrobe, and scene setting. Although is quite difficult to catch the story but people will able to get understand.

Public media screen is easily found and useful in current digital world. Audiences nowadays love to try new things, innovative idea is very important to reach them and persuade them to consume their product rather than competitors.


Public media screen at LRT station


In my opinion, people pay attention on public media screen with the major purpose of killing time. We feel awkward when we are alone or waiting for people so we tend to do something to kill time and avoid awkwardness from others vision. The other possibility might be the promotional message successful to grab audience attention or people is familiar with the brand therefore they willing to spend time to the message. Sometime people are just enjoying joining the crowd. When a big group of people gather around paying attention with particular object, our curiosity will lead us to the crowd. The crowd will be growing bigger and the numbers of people keep increasing because our mentality is don’t miss any important thing. Although people only use public media screen to kill time, but the message still able to reach. The impact of using public media screen is higher than the traditional media therefore a lot of advertisers use both new and traditional media to reach their target audience to enhance that the promotional message will reach their potential audience.


Mobile phone in public space

I had spent my afternoon at Baci café – Citta Mall observe how people using their mobile phone in public space and took some pictures of them. I realize that people will taking out their phone from their bag or pocket and put it on top the table after they found their seat. After a while they will start searching for the wifi and ask the staff about the wifi password. While waiting for their food to serve, they start to play with their phone. One might take picture with their phone, either selfie, capture the unique display or scene around the café. One might start playing game – Candy Crush is the top based on my observation while another one might on social networking (WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook, Instagram). Finally, the food is served. If the food display is unique, people will start taking picture of their food before they start eating. This is the new way that how people appreciate their food and upload to Instagram.


Playing Candy Crush while waiting for his food

Using phone while eating is quite common but this situation mostly apply to people who are alone. In my opinion, probably they feel left out when they are alone therefore they spend time with their phone to distract attention. One hand is use for eating while another hand swiping with their phone. Besides, they will also plug in earphone while reading book or multitask with their tablet and phone at the same time.

photo 1

photo 3

Even they come with group; they also entertain themselves with phone. At first, they will start playing with their phone. After a while, they have small talk with each other. They start to engage with their phone again when the conversation end. It is quite funny that the sequence keeps on repeating. In the meantime, they might took picture together, edit or beautify their picture with special effects then upload the picture.

photo 1(1)

Busy with their own phone

photo 2

The guy is busy with his phone and no conversation with the female until she finish her meal.

No doubt, everyone own a smart phone in the digital world that we are living now. Smart phone take part in our life and majority are engage with their phone. Smart phone provide a lot advantages for us and make our life easier. Most of us rely on smart phone in take picture, social media, texting and email, and others performance that smart phone can did for us. We use mobile phone privately in public space. Only the one who engage with the phone know what it happen and the content, the outsider wouldn’t know what really happen. Although I might knew the people is access to Facebook, but what is he/she doing with the Facebook is an unknown for me. I can’t know what they people are listening to when they plug in earphone. If they are listening to music, what language is that? Probably listen to news instead of music or they didn’t play anything – no sound? I wouldn’t know the actual content that they having now, all I know are just the external part. Although we are in public space but we do thing privately.

Copyright ©


My interpretation for copyright – the originator register for the particular product and own the authority. Others who using the product will get sue or fine without getting permission from the originator.

Definition of copyright – the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same.

The media piracy issue (unauthorized copying, distribution and selling of works in copyright) do exist but the audience seem don’t really care about the problem. Previously, the pirated DVD was so HOT (3 for RM10). I believe that there are people who buy pirated DVD to catch the latest movie. Honestly, I used to buy pirated DVD. The most sarcastic part of buying pirated DVD was before play the movie, there are an announcement to advice you don’t buy the pirated DVD (purple disc), buy the original disc (gold disc). Although each time we buy pirated DVD, the public service announcement still there to advice us support original, but most of the time we just ignore. We continue buying pirated DVD. As the current trend for now is illegal download, the pirated DVD is out of trend. People still buying pirated DVD, but most of the gen-y download illegally. There are a lot of website available for people to download movie, drama, song, variety show and other.

Why people buy pirated DVD or download illegally? In my opinion, the main reason is convenience. You can watch anytime you want and repeating watch for free. And, is much more comfortable for us to watch at home, we can pose whatever pose we like. The quality of the movie download is quite clear nowadays, they even have High Definition. That’s why people don’t mind to download the movie rather than went to cinema. When it come to peak time, it’s hard to get a movie ticket. For me, I normally watch blockbuster movie at cinema and download the movie that don’t really have high review or old movie. I download movie because there are too much censorship in cinema, they censor and remove scene and it make the movie not complete (something is lost). For those movie that involve violence (bloody scene), bad word, sex, I will normally download it because it meaningless to watch the movie when the part is censor although is 18+. Is very easy for me to download movie, drama or song. First,I just need to download particular player so that it could able to play the movie file. Next, go to the particular website and choose for your movie to download. Click download and you are done.

Piracy issue influence in entertainment industry. Entertainment industry can’t make profit and cover the cost of production. Some celebrity claim that is tough to stay in entertainment line because of piracy.

#Fandom #Obsess

I actually not a big fan of particular actor/actress/singer/band, as long as their acting or song could attract then I will think they are good. My taste is actually quite broad; I will love anything that I think that is awesome to me.

According to my experience, the band that I prefer the most will be a local Chinese band – ManHanD 慢行 (man xing). The band was form in the year of 2006, but I actually started to know them in the year of 2008 through recommend of my friend. There are total 5 members in a band, MC Bee, MC Toy, Von (female vocalist), Daeren (male vocalist & guitarist) and DJ Point. Their genre focuses on rap, hip hop, rock pop, chill and reggae. My friend was their fan, she brings me along to their tour on promoting their first album and that’s the first time I get know to their band – ManHanD. Before my friend told me about this band, I’m not familiar with them at all. At first, I was doubt with my friend and asking her why are you obsess with them. The reason I ask her is because I don’t really believe that local artist could produce good work.

They sing couples of song during the tour and have some interactions session with their fan. After I went to their tour, I actually fall in love with the band. The lyric was meaningful and impressing, song genre was nice and I just love it. That’s how I start to fall in love with their band and started to follow their news. The song that impress me is 准时收听 (zhun shi shou ting) by ManHanD. I just love that song after the first time I listen live from their tour. I bought their album during their tour and able to get their signature.

I save a copy of their song to my mp3 and repeating play it. I started to follow their Facebook, official website and share information with my friend. If I saw any news from newspaper, I will feel so excited and read the article so detail to make sure that I won’t miss out any information. Every night I will definitely listen to my favorite song – 准时收听 (zhun shi shou ting) before I sleep. If I went to karaoke session, that song is a MUST for me and my friend.

They launched 3 albums and I have a collection of few albums and also collect their merchandise such as t-shirt. Besides, I also join few concerts of them to show respect of artist and support them.


HEY YO Music Video


Second Album – SHOWHAND


Third Album – Life Goes On



Be a media fan actually gain different experience. You will discover a lot of funny thing that a fans will do to get idol attention.

Why space affect our assumption about media effects on audiences

We’re belong in the media world nowadays. We rely so much on media now for multipurpose. There are variety types of media such as print media (books, newspaper, magazine), broadcast (radio, TV) and cyber media (Internet, mobile communication). We expose to those media in our daily life, each of them provide different function to us.

We will have different perception and different behavior to different kind of media that we involve in. Print media such as newspaper, the main purpose for us to read newspaper is to get information. The information could be national or international news, stock, entertainment, sport and more. People buy magazine according to their special interest in particular issue, the magazine that they bought will provide them specific information that audience require. The cyber media such as Internet and mobile communication provide us a platform for us to stay connected with others. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype are the best example for us to stay connect with peers our family members. Furthermore, search engine such as Google help us to research information around the world. More and more advertisers use Internet to target on their potential target audience. We belong in the modern society and there are big amount of us access to Internet, advertise on Internet is a good way for advertiser to reach mass audiences.

The place or space that audience involve in will also affect the choice of media that they will acquire. Example, when we went to Starbuck, other than coffee we are looking for Wi-Fi. We expect place like cafe house, restaurant will provide Wi-Fi for customers when they dine in. Therefore, when audience went there, we will first search for Wi-Fi and request for Wi-Fi password. What about we went to kopitiam ? We knew that those traditional coffee shop might not provide Wi-Fi and we won’t request for Wi-Fi password. In this case, we might borrow newspaper from the coffee shop owner. The place setting influence how we act, we automatically know what to do when we involve in different space.

The way we have conversation with others might be difference when we belong in different space. Example, we could be very talkative people when we have conversation with people through text message. But, when face to face communication, the person can be very shy and quiet. We can see that the space could change someone behavior.

Television (TV)


  • Television is a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving images. It stand as an important media to advertise. Every household own at least one television, some of them maybe more than 1. At first, television only able to play in monochrome (black and white) , the screen size of television is quite small and the choices of program is limited. For our generation nowadays, television been changed from monochrome to colored. The size of television keep on changing as well. From a 6-inch-square mirror to create the picture to now 98-inch-square LED TV by Samsung. Although is 98”, the body is very thin and no longer bulky.  Furthermore, the Smart TV was created that link to your Internet. Household nowadays could afford for the price of television compare to older day. Back to those time, television was so luxurious to them, only the upper class could able to afford the television.
  • Television was so expensive back to those day, when someone own a television, the villagers will gather at that particular house and watch TV program together. My mom belong to Gen-X (1960’s), all the kids will gather together at one place to watch cartoon during prime time. That was the time they treasure the most because their are not much entertainment during that time. All of the children sit in row when watching TV program and feel excited. According to my mom, she said she will finish all her work before the show time so that she won’t miss any part. When it reach the show time, the kids will automatically appear and gather together to watch. When it reach my mom teenage time, my grandpa bought a television and all of the siblings were so happy that they finally own a television in their place. Television, radio, novel, cinema were the famous entertainment for them back to those days. They spent time on watching television program because there are no more other activity for them to kill time. For that generation, television could consider as new media for them.


  • How about ours? Do  you still watch television? We own lots of gadget currently, television slowly transform to traditional media. Our new media is now belong to social media. Most of the teenage watch online and spend less time in watching television. Even we are watching television, we might doing other things as well like surf Internet, text, social media or others activities at the same time. We prefer everything go online now, is convenience and fast. I realize that DVD is die out, we prefer download more. The DVD player at my house become an antique because it been quite a long time that no people is using that.
  • We used new media a lot in our daily life but there are still value in traditional media. Television is still one of the best way for advertiser to reach out mass audiences. Advertiser still rely on television to spread out their message and advertisement. Not everyone of us access to Internet, some of them still prefer to traditional media.


Television will still


Cinema Experience


The cinema if Malaysia revolves around a small film industry that dates back to the 1930s. According to (Hoo, n.d.), the history of Malaysian cinema has always been a history of Malay films. The history of Malay cinema began in 1933 with the screening of Laila Majnun, based on a classical Persian story of two ill-fated lovers. Directed by B.S. Rajhans and produced by the Singapore, the cast was derived from a local opera group.

When discuss about Malaysia movie, the first thought that came to my mind was P.Ramlee.


Due to his contribution to movie and music industry, he often considered as the legend of entertainment in Malaysia. P.Ramlee was a Malaysian film actor, director, songwriter and producer. In 1957, was the year when P.Ramlee popularity on the rise. His popular films include Pendekar Bujang Lapok, Ibu Mertuaku, Do Re Mi and Madu Tiga. He directed and acted in 66 films, and had more than 360 songs to his credit. The P.Ramlee House is a museum located in Penang was originally built by his father and uncle. Items that display include personal memorabilia related to his life. On May 1973, P.Ramlee died at the age of 44 from a heart attack. Although he left the world, but people remember his contribution to the industry, respect him. He is the icon of entertainment industry.

I had a small talk with my parent about cinema back in those days. During their childhood (1960s), watching a movie at cinema was a luxury activity for them. They said that the ticket price is too expensive for them to afford although is around RM0.50 – RM1.00. If my grandparent promises to bring them to cinema, they will dress up nicely and wait for the day coming. Cinema back in those time are not strict, outside food is allow to bring in. Normally, my grandparents will buy them candy, kuih, fruit instead of popcorn. When it reaches their adulthood (1980s), cinema becomes a place for dating. A boy will date a girl for a movie and maybe trying to do ‘something’ during watching a movie, example, holding the girl hand. The cinema is more advance compare to the time during their childhood; the seat could be more comfortable and tidy. The environment and space are cozier for relax and consider as a ‘romantic’. My mom told me that they actually started to bring me to cinema often when I was around 1 years old. When it reaches the year 1990s, cinema tends to turn an image to family activity that can afford by majority family.

What about 2000s? What is cinema to us nowadays?


Cinema consider as a quite cheap and affordable entertainment for us. Is like a norm for us to watch the movie at cinema. How frequent we are gone to cinema, I guess at least once or twice in a month. Cinema can be a place for us to gather with friends, family day, dating, go for the latest movie. Cinema no longer that precious compare in the olden time, we can easily get it. As a comparison, cinema nowadays does improve a lot compare to the olden time. It includes variety genre of movie, either international film or local film, language, increase of choices, increase of showing time, choices of seat (couple seat) and is more advance that you enjoy a 3D movie now. We even have a Gold Class cinema located at The Gardens that provide 5star service of watching a movie in cinema.

You can enjoy a movie alone, with a bunch of friend, with family or with partner. The staff won’t limit you the quantity of buying the ticket. In my opinion, movie genre decides the size or type of audience. Animate or cartoon will surely target on kids, and normally suite for family type. What about horror, action, comedy, love movie? Which types of audience prefer the most? It is quite complicated to fit them into particular category, it more depends on personal interest. For me, I will go for comedy when I’m with a bunch of friend to laugh together, discuss about the movie and had a laugh together again.

As a student, I normally watch movie in weekday’s afternoon to enjoy the benefit of student price. The other reason to watch a movie during weekday is you no need worry about the available of movie ticket and is not pack. The crowded time will could be at Wednesday because it’s Movie Day. Everyone can enjoy a cheaper price. Normally, the peak time could be Friday and weekend. Working adult has free time to relax themselves and parent has free time to bring their kids along to watch a movie.

I actually like to watch movie alone. I went for comedy and love movie alone before. When I told my experience to my friend, they were shocking and ask me why don’t you watch at house or find others to accompany you. Watching movie alone is too cruel for them. The advantage of watching movie alone is so quiet. Because no one will repeat telling you the story and guess what will happen next. So ANNOY! The sound effect and the big screen create different sort of feeling when you watch in house. I feel more enjoy and involve more into the movie especially for horror and action movie. The review of a good movie element could be the sound effect, if you only own a normal speaker in your house; you might not feel the same way because you can’t experience that feeling.

Although we need to follow the timetable, we can’t sit as comfortable in any position as in home but I believe people will still go for that. Cinema stands as a social place for us to meet with friends, family and others big group of public. Furthermore, we might get know others country culture after watching movie.

Cinema provides a best condition to watch movie and has a better atmosphere to enjoy a movie.



Filmbirth, 2009. History of cinema in Malaysia, viewed 4 September 2013, <>

Hoo, W.L, n.d.  Building a new Malaysian national cinema, viewed 4 September 2013, <>

Anwardi, J 2013, ‘Our films, our heritage’, News Strait Times, 7 April, viewed 4 September, <>

Private space vs Public space

The quick rise of social media has affected the balance between (private) space, community (public) space, and corporate (commercial) space, transforming not just the media ecosystem, but also other domains of public life. (Dijck, Poell 2013) Due to the advance of the technology, we can easily use our smart phone to surf on Internet to look for information and interact with other people. We can easily saw people using their phone in LRT station, bus station, coffee shop or any other public places. But, what actually what they are doing with their smart phone others people will not know. Although they are using media in public space in the same time they are also using media in private space. We might know people might surf on social media, but do we know which website are they looking now? Facebook, Twitter, YouTube? What if they are chatting with their friend, will you know the content they are talking about? When people plug in headphone and listen to song, do you know which song is playing now or there are no song is playing? We frequently see people using media in public space, but what they do with the media is in private space, the third party wouldn’t know what they do with media unless they tell you. In my opinion, there are not a clear statement to identify how people use media in private space or in public space. The idea of private and public space become more complex now.

Nowadays, the smart phone users are constantly engaged with private sphere. We don’t know what happen around us because of only focusing with our phone. This is not a good thing. The public sphere plays an important role in our communities: it’s where we observe and learn to interact with people who are different from us, or, as academics put it, it’s where we come to know “the other.” (Badger 2012)

The face to face conversation is replace by social media. Example, a family gathering dinner. The youngsters were focusing on their phone and have less interact with others. The relationship slowly become stranger when everyone got no interaction with others. We seems like lost something in our life. Some people is active in typing ”illusion world” but when it come to real conversation, they don’t know how to express themselves.

How media use in private or public space? Is quite complicated to clearly differentiate. We might include both in our daily life.


Emily Badger. 2012. How Smart Phones Are Turning Our Public Places Into Private Ones. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 August 13].

José van Dijck and Thomas Poell. 2013. Social Media and the Transformation of Public Space. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 August 13].